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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 14, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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you make this all possible. let not your heart be troubled, the news continues, laura ingraham is up next. have a great weekend. you. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ hello, everyone, i'm juan williams along with emily compagno, jesse watters, dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> juan: fox news alert. actress felicity huffman headed to prison. a judge sentencing her to 14 days behind bars, a $30,000 fine and one year probation. huffman is the first parent to face punishment in the bombshell college admission scandal. the hollywood star admitted to paying $15,000 to rig her daughter's sat score. huffman crying in court, showing remorse and admitting she broke the law. but the judge siding with
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the prosecutors who pushed for prison time instead of just probation. the news not just impacting huffman. you should know that others involved in the cheating scheme including lori love loughlin who pleaded not guilty still awaiting their fate. this is very interesting in that the prosecutors had asked for a year of one month to 15 months. she ends up now with 14 day sentence is that fair? >> dana: well, her lawyers were saying that she should probably be allowed just to have probation and to stay at home and maybe do 250 hours of community service. however, because, remember, if this is a financial situation where she has a lot of money. so, having her pay a big fine is not a punishment. they have plenty of money. $30,000 fine for somebody else would be really out of reach. i do think that prosecutors are saying we have got to send a message. she is not going to be able to stay at home in her
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hollywood hills luxury with infinity pool. they actually used those words. i think this is a sign that the other parents that are awaiting their sentencing, because many of them pled guilty, they are probably going to face the same thing. i do wonder what lori loughlin is thinking though, if this goes to trial, if she wins, she wins and then maybe all of this stuff is for not. if she loses, she is probably looking at a lot more time. i'm looking at emily because i don't really know. i'm assuming she would be looking at a lot more time than 14 days. >> emily: we talked about this before when you go to white collar crime detention facilities, essentially all the people in there with 10 year and 15 year sentences those are not the ones who pled out. those are the ones that went to trial and juries issue these harsh sentences all the time. i was worried, frankly, as a citizen that shield get zero prison time because for me, first of all, the government punishes crimes, right? there is a reason why
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conspiracies are illegal. it's not just about whether you actually went through with it or whether the crime was actually able to be committed and there was some type of quote victim that people have been arguing here even the probation office said it's an economic offense. it was actually a lot more than that it was straight up fraud. so i have seen for a tax evasion case for a few thousand dollars probation office deny and refuse to endorse someone requesting home confinement with a disabled dependent and here she was arguing for one with her infinity pool. as the prosecutor said she was morally clueless and out of a sense of entitlement only. i'm 100 percent grateful that she at least got some jail time. >> juan: jesse, if that was the prosecution's case, let me give you the defense case, right? the defense case is she wasn't involved in any of the fraud with regards to, you know, ginning up an athletic record for the kid. what she did and she writes this in a letter to the court. she said she did this out of maternal devotion, insecurity. her daughter has a learning
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disability. and the daughter, by the way, got a 1420 on the sat score out of a max of 1600. and her lawyer said she is remorseful. you know, there is no need to jail her because the message to the other parents is don't do this. there is no need to put this talented actress in jail. >> jesse: well, joe biden said last night they shouldn't put anybody in prison that commits a nonviolent offense. so she should be walking scot-free and taking a dip in her infinity pool this afternoon. i don't know. i just think the community service, 250 hours of community service. >> that's a lot of hours. >> jesse: that's a lot of hours. i bet she would trade that for another week behind bars. no one likes community service. [laughter] people are always skipping out on community service it is that bad. >> juan: worse than being behind bars? >> jesse: juan, you know the truth. >> juan: what's the truth? >> jesse: the other thing is this if you are lori loughlin and looking at this you take a plea tomorrow. if you are guilty, you always take a plea.
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>> dana: but can you? >> jesse: it might even be too late. she has to come crawling back to the prosecution and beg them. but i don't know. i think she might be too f along. the other thing of it is this has destroyed not only the relationship with the daughter. because the daughter now says mom, why didn't you trust me? why didn't you think i could do this myself? so that's out the window. and then william h. macy, how does he watch his wife go to prison and you didn't think he was involved in this at all? somehow he gets out of this. i don't know how. great lawyering. maybe there wasn't a hard trail evidence, but that's a really awkward situation. and then finally this country loves watching celebrities go down in flames. if you are a world class celebrity, like greg gutfeld when he goes out in flames. you let people just dancing on his grave. so i don't want to sit here and dance on her grave. i hope she, you know, survives her stint and recovers nicely. >> juan: i'm told they had
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him on tape they didn't have william h. macy on tape. >> jesse: i know. it's hard to believe she did this isolated from the husband. >> juan: i see you nodding. >> greg: william h. macy? you mean william hussein macy? i have infinity pool crawl in the tub and crank me some journey. journey fan. i can safely say the only person in prison named felicity, you know, that's all i got. [laughter] honestly, i have got it tell you. i really don't care about this story and i'm happy that we lead with this story because it means the news is good. the economy is good. everything is going great. so this is the big story on the most popular tv show in america. this one. the big lesson here, of course, children are a pain in the butt. so if you have a sloth, you don't have to worry about sending a sloth to college, right? but you have got kids. all they do do is want, want, want. children get in the way of
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your drinking. she is going to go away. and you are right, jesse. you are right. this is why i have applied the brakes on my explosive stardom. because i know that the higher i sail, the higher i go in the sky the more people will want to see me fail. >> jesse: that's self-imposed? >> greg: self- imposed. i turned down a lot of acting gigs and hosting the bigger i get the bigger the fall. i'm keeping it low on "the five." i'm hanging out with you guys. i'm one of the five. it's kind of cool to be -- people say hello to me on the street. it's not like i'm mobbed the way i used to be. >> jesse: you are doing a very big job of keeping yourself out of the stardom. >> this is a big show and big story today. that's good news. we should be happy. >> jesse: william hussein that's what it is. >> greg: william hussein macy. shep totally ignored that part. >> juan: i wanted to raise one last point. in atlanta, public school
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teachers, administrators, principals were sentenced to three years in jail for cheating on state test scores. an ohio mom, who gave the wrong address to get her kid into a suburban -- better suburban school, guess what? she got jail time. >> jesse: cory booker had a great line at the debate it's better to be rich and guilty than poor and innocent in the criminal justice system in this country. >> juan: black and white. >> jesse: i'm just talking about your point in atlanta. >> greg: trump should partner. >> jesse: you are my favorite housewife. [laughter] >> greg: you are not going to be desperate. >> juan: all right. all right. things got heated in houston including the clash between julian castro and joe biden. it's up next. later we had a blast with the animals on set yesterday. there is so much more that we didn't get to show you. so, stick around. more on "the five" ♪ come on, baby
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♪ got distance ♪ we'll find out ♪ in the long run. >> jesse: 2020 democrats facing off in a fiery debate filled with big progressive promises and personal insults. the top 10 liberal candidates sharing the stage for the first time hitting on healthcare healthcare, gun control, climate change, immigration and taking cheap shots at president trump. and, of course, their socialist big government proposals were on full display. >> cancel student loan debt for 95% of the folks who have got it. >> my campaign will now give a freedom dividend of $1,000 a month for an entire year to 10 american families. someone watching this at home right now. >> universal pre-k and
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universal healthcare unleashing millions of new jobs in the clean energy economy. >> we will address the catastrophic crisis of climate change and transform our energy system away from fossil fuel. >> jesse: the big moment of the night everyone is talking about is julian castro going after joe biden with this attack. >> barack obama's vision was not to leave 10 million people uncovered. he wanted every single person in this country covered. my plan would do that your plan would not. >> they do not have to buy in. they do not have to buy in. >> you just said that. you just said that two minutes ago. you just said two minutes ago that they would have to buy in. >> if they can afford it. >> you said they have to buy in. >> to qualify for medicaid, it's automatic. >> did you just forget -- are you forgetting what you said just two minutes ago? i mean, i can't believe that you said two minutes ago that they had to buy in and now you are saying they don't have to buy. in you are forgetting that.
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>> jesse: castro's low blow setting off the rest of the democrats on the debate stage. >> guys come on. that's why debates are becoming unwatchable. this reminds everybody of what they cannot stand about washington. scoring points against each other. poking at each other. and telling each other that you -- my plan, your plan, look. >> that's called the democratic primary election. [laughter] >> that's an election. [cheers] >> this is what we are here for. it's an election. >> yeah, but a house divided cannot stand. and that is not how -- >> we know we are on the same team here. we know we are on the same team. we all have a better vision for healthcare than our current president. [laughter] >> jesse: castro refusing to back down claiming his attack wasn't a personal attack it was just about policy. >> jesse: it was just awkward watching those people. >> dana: the thing is, castro intended to do that he was like i will be the one. i will be the first one on
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the debate stage like the media has been doing it and other people have been saying that biden has lost his step. i will be the one to do it. he chose his moment but he was wrong about the moment. if you are going to do that, you have to nail it and there could have been other opportunities for him to do so. the crowd didn't really like it. the rest of the people didn't like it. what joe biden is able to do now is fund raise off of it. the thing is, i thought about this, one of the things we didn't play much sound from bernie sanders. so this is the third debate where now we have analysis and nobody is talking about bernie sanders. he hasn't had a moment. he maintains his poll average but i think that's about as far as he is ever going to get and elizabeth warren basically acts like a general election candidate. >> jesse: same thing. not a lot of news from warren either did. anybody distinguish themselves or stand out in any way gut get i thought i did. i'm watching the mainstream media rushing to defend this
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old white male against this young hispanic man. what kind of white privilege are they protecting? you know, i thought the -- i thought what happened was i think he stepped into this thing and when the audience made that sound, it created momentum for him. that's why i think he kind of embraced that moment and there was no grace or elegance to the criticism. >> jesse: no. >> greg: he was more like oscar mayer not like oscar wild. he was clunky. having said that i'm a little bit tired of the white knighting going on with biden. i get it. it was a pretty lame predictable insult. but watching everybody protecting poor joe from castro, that's a little rich for me. i think joe should take a few barbs, especially when he is screwing up. >> jesse: right, i don't like listening to buttigieg. >> greg: gut right the lecture from buttigieg. >> jesse: the audience wants to see people distinguish them selves from the other candidates and compete to
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see who is going to be the nominee. do you disagree with that? >> jesse: yeah. i think you want to be able to draw a distinction but you don't necessarily want a personal attack that seems insidious. >> jesse: it came off as nasty. >> juan: i don't think people need that and especially this is the key point. democrats say hey, wait a second. this sounds a lot like trump republican attacks that, oh, he might be too old. oh, joe has lost a step. joe is not mentally -- you guys have been doing that to trump for three years. you are calling him insane, commented. >> juan: wait a second. one has a basis. i'm saying when you see this among democrats, the response from democrats wasn't to protect joe biden. it was to say you went too far. and, you know, castro was having a good debate. he told that wonderful story about being a lawyer who gave up his law practice to vote on principle and the city council and all of that. it all went away. the only thing everybody is
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talking about today the fact that he went after joe biden in this way. i think there are a lot of people on that stage, i suspect they might be in there october. they are not going to be around in november and december. they feel they needed to go after the frontrunner. they didn't do. this you notice, elizabeth warren did not take him on. it was castro and booker. >> greg: he should blame his twin brother. >> jesse: what about the sound we heard at the top, too? all those people promising we are going to cancel your debt. we're going to pay for everything. universal pre-k. we're not even going to raise taxes. i think liz warren for the fifth time says i will not admit that i'm going to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for universal healthcare. she gets away with it. >> emily: interestingly i thought she did it more artfully than some of the other can who dodged questions and it was pretty blaring. if i can speak to that moment for a second here. the julian struck me as someone who shows up prepared for a fight. he came with so much energy and he wanted it to be
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combative and then everyone else had their typical response to it and that he wanted it to be the this gladiator staged for tv moment and that speaks to the live audience quality but everyone else was seeing it as big picture. i feel like i'm an outlier in this. i have to say i have no idea how biden has gotten the approval he got from last night. i found him appalling. and, yet, some of the mainstream media coverage of him called him decent up from disaster last time and reassuring. i found his response to the questions of systemic racism as i said literally appalling. to me it showed that he was disqualifying, that he will not be able to take on trump in any form or fashion because he is unable to even engage in a conversation about the systemic racism that people on the left are wanting to ask about. i'm not just talking about the slim part of the voters or that audience where it is particularly relevant. i'm talking about the entire democratic party. i do not understand why they don't see him as 100 percent
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disqualified. >> juan: his biggest base of support black voters. so, you said -- are you talking about that moment when he says record player and people say what are you talking about? >> emily: yes, on the larger notion. yes, the larger notion. but the state should come into the homes of a certain group of people that he was intimating and that also by not being specific in terms of who is poor and saying oh but teachers know best. and also in response to the answer of why should latinos trust you and came out of gate lying saying we didn't do this and we didn't do that. yes the obama administration did and here are photographs of the evidence. why should african-americans trust you when -- >> jesse: not only that he whiffed on afghanistan, whiffed on iraq. bernie took it to him a few times on the iraq war, which was pretty ugly. i think he was good in the beginning when he was talking about healthcare and stated throughout the rest. >> greg: do you know who we're not talking about is kamala? >> dana: she had a terrible
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debate. >> greg: she tried to come in with the trump hits. thinking those would be memorable. >> dana: and laughing at her own jokes. >> jesse: who laughs at your own jokes? [laughter] >> greg: never would do such a thing. that was a jab at me, dana. >> jesse: she does come off as inauthentic. the audience can see that. safe right there. more big moments from the democratic debate including beto's promise to come take your guns. ♪ ♪ ♪ i can't believe it. that sophie opened up a wormhole through time? (speaking japanese) where am i? (woman speaking french) are you crazy/nuts? cyclist: pip! pip! (woman speaking french) i'm here, look at me. it's completely your fault. (man speaking french) ok? it's me. it's my fault? no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. (pterodactyl screech) believe it. geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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ar-15, your ak 47. you are not going to be allowed to use it against fellow americans anymore. >> dana: there is a lot to talk about on this particular topic. let's start with greg. >> greg: if his fantasy came true, do you think he would be the guy that would be knocking on the doors? no it will be a poor police officer, cop. forced into high risk situations a million times over. beto is advocating a plan that would lead to many violent confrontations. it's impossible. i think about eric garner and i know why eric garner died in a police action. but the police action wouldn't have happened if they didn't have a stupid ass law banning the selling of loose cigarettes. that's what led that that consultation to that death. it's not the police consultations that lead to violence it's the stupid laws. this could end with -- he is so stupid. this could end in countless tragic confrontations and it made me see the light about the red flag -- i have been talking about the red flags
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laws for the last couple of years. >> dana: in support. >> greg: support of red flags laws when i see this self-absorbed twerp, basically saying he will report you. he will report you and take your gun. is he basically validating every nra apostle. he is basically saying yeah, you are right. i'm going to come for your guns, and do you know what? i'm going to report you. if i think you said something threatening in a tweet i will go to the fbi so they can take your gun away. that's what people are going to think about now when they hear about the red flag law. they are going to say that's the type of guy who is going to take our guns away. >> jesse: think about how many crazy liberals would fake rat on their conservative enemies and say i saw this guy abusing his wife. i saw this guy abusing his kid. you better show up to his house and take his gun. it's going to weaponize the red flag laws. i don't think he would pass a background check. do you know what happened to him? he ate dirt. that's not normal. so i think when you go out there and you say i'm going to go door-to-door and take your legally purchased
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weapon that's why we designed some years ago the second amendment to protect us from people like him. and notice he is the only one saying it? a couple of the other people have supported it in theory. he is the only one crazy enough or desperate enough to say it. and that's not just going to haunt the democrats in 2020. that will haunt them for so many more elections and this is going to get replayed all the time on television because he -- a year ago when he was running for the texas senate. he said no keep your guns if they were legally purchased. we are not going to touch them. now he has flip flopped. >> dana: win statewide in texas with this. >> jesse: absolutely. >> dana: kwan, what do youjuan,u think there was audience support? >> juan: i was going to say i was listening with my friends but there was a different set of reactions. >> jesse: college campus. >> juan: i'm just saying i think those were democrats and i think across the country today there is a sense that he went through a trauma in terms of the shooting in el paso and he
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had a genuine and personal statement. it was not political. i'm listening to the reaction from all of you. typically democrats trim their sales on this oh well they are not going to come get your -- no, he said it right there. you know what? if you have a gun that's made for the battle field, you shouldn't have it in your home and he explained his position. i think that's not only you saw the response from the audience, dana, the other people on stage all said beto, you did a great job. >> jesse: so you think people going door to door. >> juan: no, no. no. that's fear mongering. oh you have got to go. >> greg: hell yeah we will take it. he said it. >> juan: no, no, no. in fact, this is interesting to my political mind in that i think he has now pushed to an extent in terms of being more extreme, he has pushed that medal in terms o middle whs acceptable. >> greg: what about someone like me who moved towards the middle? i moved towards -- i have
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open discussions with people on both sides about these red flag things. he screwed that debate up. you can't talk about it anymore. because now people are going to point to that. >> juan: i think, in fact, what i see in terms of your reaction he has triggered the right wing. he is triggered the nra. >> jesse: this is going to cost more lives than mass shootings. you are kidding me? you are going to go to people and say hey, hand it over. give it the hell to me. >> juan: you are involved in pressing fear buttons. >> jesse: let me ask you as a reporter. >> juan: that's not speculation. that's not speculation. >> juan: if you are a reporter, i would ask beto what is the mechanism that you are going to go about and then disarm the country? how is it actually going to happen? what do you think he is going to say? >> juan: i think he would say the point is we are in a country that has too many guns and mass shootings. we can have that discussion. he hasn't answered. so what am i to say. >> jesse: i would like to see him answer that. >> juan: when we have kids
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going into these training sessions now where they are under the table in every public school in america, it's shameful. >> dana: what about the law? >> emily: look, i totally hear what you are saying. i'm hearing you in that after his vicarious trauma he is responding emotionally. everyone that. that's totally authentic for him. as a presidential candidate, this is intellectually lazy and i think it's from a position of privilege that you can oversimplify this issue and can you scream about what is a confiscation and think that it would work, that it would fly legally, that it would fly politically, and that you you would have the support of this entire country when we know -- we don't have enough time for it but we know the myriad of reasons it wouldn't work especially because it would end in violence and because it wouldn't work in terms of shear numbers. and because of the serial component of all of these guns and registration needed, et cetera, et cetera. everything would fall through the cracks. to me i see it as perhaps coming from a place of authenticity but absolutely ineffective and it will never fly.
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>> juan: i wish i would hear you guys speak about the extremists in the nra in this way. >> greg: that's a non sequitur. >> greg: look, 89% of measures say we have got to do something. >> greg: people in the nra are causing mass shootings? >> jesse: constitutional. >> dana: all right, next up. if you thought our live animals are great wait until you see the stuff we didn't get to show you. watch. ♪ i get my hand down ♪ i get my hand down ♪ i got my drink every curve, every innovation, every feeling. a product of mastery. lease the 2019 es 350 for $379 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. was in an accident. when i called usaa, it was that voice asking me, "is your daughter ok?" that's where i felt relief. we're the rivera family and we plan to be with usaa for life. see how much you can save with usaa insurance.
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pets on sets a kangaroo, a lynx and a sloth: >> greg: penguin hit me in the face which i'm used. to say. >> emily: did you deserve it. >> greg: i got too close. that penguin was a horny little devil. he tried to have sex with deign that the hair person not deign that the cat person and tried to have sex with one of the. >> jesse: dana doesn't have sex. >> greg: penguin was amazing. we were all talking about. the most confident animal i have ever seen in my life walks in here and this is where you roll the tape. walking in just wallowing around and checking out the women: i was told he prefers humans over animals. >> dana: he likes the camera. >> greg: he loves the camera. he should be on tv. >> emily: that means he should love humans more. >> dana: it is true about the -- there you go.
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>> greg: somebody woke up. >> dana: he was pretty cute. >> emily: tell us his name. >> dana: trout. see on those little -- >> jesse: what was the lynx's name? t bow or tebow? >> jesse: like the football player i thought it was t-bone. >> dana: that would be after a steak. >> jesse: the paws were cartoonish. i thought the sloth was spectacular. i was very impressed with the sloth. the sloth, did you see when it opened its mouth? >> dana: yeah. >> jesse: that was a little bit scary. >> greg: it looks like it's about to pounce. >> greg: i believe you should be able to have one at home. i spent some time there. it seems pretty domesticated. so slow, juan, if it chooses to attack you can just talk away. >> juan: they said don't touch, don't pet it because of the teeth it would bite
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you and also i was surprised how big. in my imagination i thought sloths were kind of smaller. that was a big animal. >> dana: they went back in the prehistoric time they were 9 feet tall. >> greg: i told you that story. sloth story. >> jesse: smaller than i expected also was the kangaroo. i wanted to see that thing jump around but it didn't have a pouch. i mean, come on. >> dana: it was a boy. >> jesse: get a girl in here. >> greg: they can't because of the penguin. >> emily: i love in those studies it specified it has to be a cute pet. if your pet isn't cute you won't get those benefits. >> dana: there is a biological response to cuteness? >> greg: what would be ugly pet? >> emily: cat with no hair in the contest every year. >> greg: hairless cats, yeah. >> jesse: austin powers that thing like that. >> greg: i don't know.
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>> emily: cute is relative. >> greg: my relatives are cute. >> dana: i would not say like a snake is not cute. >> emily: their little heads are. >> greg: their little heads oare. [laughter] >> jesse: also suppose to increase your pain tolerance if have a cute pet? snack you right in the face. i bet i can take it. >> dana: i was surprised the kangaroo didn't smack you in the face like if you have a face you want to punch. >> greg: zoo animals have voted you most punchable. great thing about a pet it loves you and in times of devastation you can eat it. >> jesse: i thought it was going to kick me with the behinhind legs. >> emily: were you in better moods? >> juan: it was great. it was his birthday and we were playing on the animals great theme. a lot of fun around here. interesting. the reason people say oh, you know, pets are like
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comfortable. they are always there for you. you can always -- like if you live alone someone to talk to. all right. but on the set yesterday there was a little bit of fear and anxiety. am i right? that lynx? >> jesse: yeah, i didn't like the lynx. i felt threatened, juan. >> juan: and the sloth? >> dana: he was sweet but he has claws. >> jesse: they are wild animals. they can turn on you like that. >> dana: thank you. >> juan: i knew what you were doing, man. >> jesse: you don't know if he has claws under those paws. >> dana: he does. >> jesse: he could slash me. >> dana: one more thing. think had it with this one more thing. >> emily: montages of reporters oh and then all of a sudden getting attacked. >> greg: i have a special bond with animals. >> dana: the penguin gave me a little. >> greg: that was like a fist bump but with our heads. >> jesse: you serenaded that sloth though. >> greg: we met later for drinks.
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he literally hung out for quite a while. he never called me though. typical sloth. love them and leave them. >> jesse: take him a while. >> greg: it's a slow romance. >> emily: all right, you guys. stay right there fan mail friday is next ♪ i like to move it move it ♪ i like to ♪ i like to move it, move it ♪ik managing lipids like very high triglycerides, can be tough. you diet. exercise. but if you're also taking fish oil supplements, you should know, they are not fda-approved, they may have saturated fat and may even raise bad cholesterol. to treat very high triglycerides, discover the science of prescription vascepa. proven in multiple clinical trials, vascepa, along with diet, is the only prescription epa treatment, approved by the fda to lower very high triglycerides by 33%, without raising bad cholesterol. look. it's clear. there's only one prescription epa vascepa. vascepa is not right for everyone. do not take vascepa if you are
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some of the following has spoiling this is us for the few who haven't seen it. season 4 of this is us is almost here. to catch every past episode, just say "this is us" into your xfinity voice remote. like the one where i... [ buzzer ] or the one where we show... [ buzzer ] when he was a... [ buzzer ] plus you can watch this is us anywhere with xfinity stream app. especially the... [ buzzer ] episode. awww, that one's my favorite. catch every episode of this is us with xfinity.
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♪ >> greg: yes, mike patton. what's that called? a cappella? fan mail friday answering your questions. first question from sharon. what is one thing that you could improve on about yourself? i have to go with jesse, first, because yeah,. >> jesse: toughest question you ever asked. >> greg: you landed on earth fully formed. >> jesse: let's see. [laughter] humility? it was humility? >> greg: good guess. >> jesse: sometimes i care so much. i'm so empathetic that it can make me. >> greg: it almost comes off like an arrogance. your deep caring. you care so deeply it feels like you are arrogant. >> jesse: yeah, what was
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that? >> greg: emily? >> emily: oh, the -- what's going on in my head, calm down in my head. >> greg: so you have racing thoughts? do you have panic attacks? how do you feel right now? >> emily: i don't have wright is to be like calmer. >> jesse: you need to slow down. >> emily: you need to slow down. [laughter] >> greg: both of you need to adopt a sloth. juan? >> juan: i think wright is like you are on a roller coaster i know i'm going to go down, down. i wish my brain could say this is a roller coaster. you are okay. >> greg: that's a good point. that's a good way to look at it. dana, what would cue improve on? >> dana: i have a list a mile long. >> greg: quit making lists. >> dana: that's the problem i take on too many projects and burning the candle at both ends. >> jesse: you go to bed at 9:00. >> juan: she gets up at dawn.
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>> greg: i think i'm a little too care-free. i think i need to worry a little bit more than i normally do. this is a great question from debby o. what movie traumatized you as a child, dana? >> dana: carrie. like the only movie i ever saw. >> greg: favorite movie? >> dana: carrie. i had never been allowed to see horror films and went to islam enter party and i never seen anything like that and it traumatized me. >> jesse: i went to see "star wars" in a theater when i was 6. when darth vader pulled off and it was all white and scary. i cried and ran out. i was with a friend and his dad had to leave with us. dude, watters, what are you doing? >> that is fantastic. all right, juan. >> dana: have you seen the end? >> jesse: i see what happens. >> juan: obviously psycho in that shower scene. i later learned it's not the scene, it's music and what you don't see and your
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imagination fills in. >> greg: like bernard hairman? was that the film's composer? >> juan: you know the name of the composure? >> greg: i did all the hitchcock films. i bought it on vinyl. >> greg: emily? >> emily: at the break, yes, i will deviate a little bit and tell you because i mistakenly read it i got tense. that totally scarred me. i never wanted to go to a shower drain. no thank you. >> greg: clown thing. fantasia. it made me nauseous. it was a field trip every year to go see fan tasha. i don't know why it was a field trip. every hollywood we would have to go to the manna theater and sit and watch fantasia. it made you not -- carnival clown music is just bad. weird and has the dancing
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elephants. >> emily: centraelephants.elm s. >> greg: no need for name-calling. what is something you really resent paying for? >> juan: cars. >> greg: cars? >> juan: tough negotiate and think somebody is paying less for this car. >> greg: that's true. emily, you look you were going to add. >> emily: taxes, parking tickets, speeding tickets, anything that has to go to the state. tithing. >> jesse: the rent is too damn high. >> greg: remember him with the gloves? >> dana: i can't think of anything. honestly the taxes are. >> greg: i never thought about taxes until living in new york. everybody would love to pay taxes if you could see where the money is going. but you can't see where the money is going. it's just going. >> dana: you know where it's going, down the drain. >> greg: that's right. >> jesse: we're afraid of the drain over here. be careful. >> greg: up next. that's where the clown lives ♪ ♪
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you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia - so get allstate and be better protected from mayhem, a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can disrupt your life for weeks. . .
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adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. ask about prevention. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. >> juan: it's time for friday one more thing. greg? >> greg: the greg gutfeld show tomorrow night 10:00 p.m. you have emily compagno who is that. angelou. kat timpf 10 p.m. eastern. let's do. this ♪ animals are great >> greg: this is one of the best videos i have ever seen. shows an example of true
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tough love goat trying to get the attention of a bulldog oh. and a bulldog is not impressed and he keeps trying. isn't this amazing? >> jesse: that could hurt. >> greg: just trying to get his attention. >> dana: they are having a fight. that's what a play fight is. >> juan: one person is not fighting. >> greg: it's true. they ended up moving to vermont and getting a bed and breakfast. animals are, animals are great. animals are great ♪ animals are the great. >> juan: jesse, your turn. >> jesse: our good friend you may have heard her song coming out of dana's segment earlier. she has a new single called i never do. this first title off her highly anticipated new album. take a listen. ♪ i never do that ♪ but i'm about to hit that floor ♪ and let you spin me around, around, around.
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>> jesse: i was just told not to dance. >> said that years ago. >> jesse: check this out on spotify, pandora a new video coming out. music world my imitation of greg 8:00 p.m. eastern. sarah sanders will be joining me and there you have it. >> juan: i thought you were imitating bernie last night. >> jesse: sounded like he smoked a pack of camels. >> dana: it was greg's birthday yesterday. something else happened. there was a little baby born into the perino family. this is ada jane perino the newest member of the perino family. >> greg: yesterday? she share mice birthday. >> dana: nicole and preston perino are the parents. preston is my cousin. lots of september 12ths, welcome to the family, nicole.
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welcome to the family. >> emily: ada. >> juan: remember the disney movie "up" take a look at this picture. you might think it's coming straight from the movie. those are 5-year-old and 90-year-old great grandfather richard bain. they divided to recreate the lead characters from the movie in a photo as you recall the film is about an elderly widower who takes 1,000 balloons ties them to his house and floats away to see the jungles of south america. elijah also took a picture with his great grandmother. movie nominated for five academy awards. i want to nominate elijah for the spirit of this movie to life fun, family and adventure. >> jesse: are you related to them. >> juan: no, why? >> jesse: just wondered. >> juan: because you would like me to float away? >> >> emily: newly engaged one at the table you should know that apparently in australia it's a thing to get engaged at kfc.
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>> jesse: kfc, got it. >> greg: really go for that. >> emily: they are hosting chicken themed weddings for six lucky couples in australia. all they have to do is write a 200 word essay why they should have a chicken themed wedding because they loved it so much or whatever. basically kfc music entertainment, custom buckets. catering costs all on them. >> dana: i love australians they have more fun than anyone on earth. that's special. >> you were thinking about having ed henry. he is ordained ♪ [national anthem] ♪ [national anthem]
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♪ [national anthem] ♪ [national anthem] ♪ [national anthem] ♪ [national anthem] ♪ [national anthem] ♪ [national anthem]
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♪ ♪ ♪ jump right in ♪ let the music pull you in ♪ so jump right in ♪ go and move yourself again ♪ jedediah: i like the band. pete: i don't know the lyrics. jedediah: i know half of it. ed: and you dance? jedediah: i do. i do the dance. ed: pretty soon you will not be able to dance anymore. jedediah: i will dancing right into that delivery room. you guys might see a delivery of it. i will. pete: toward the end, you will not be dancing. jedediah: dance through it only thing to get me through it,et


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